Monday, 7 November 2011

Questionnaire (Questions)

Audience Research Questionnaire
Definition of Social Drama: the storyline, characters and locations are as realistic and true to life as possible. The audience should be able to relate to what they are going through, and realistically, the events in the film should be able to happen to anyone.

1.)  Please circle the age group you fall into;

18-20    20-25   25-30   35-50   50+

2.)  Gender? Please tick appropriately.


3.) In your opinion, which elements are the most important in making a successful Social Drama?
Please number your preference. (1 being the most important, 4 being the least)

Story line/plot
Positive resolution to the film (e.g. ‘happy ending’)

4.)  Why do you think this?

       5.) Which element do you think should be the most important, either choose from above or suggest your own. Please explain.

       6.) Which location would you typically set a Social Drama?

Household                      Town                  

On the streets             Housing estate

7.)  Any further suggestions for location/setting?   
(If yes, please explain you choice, if the answer is no then please specify which location you would like to see a Social Drama set in.)



Please explain below:

8.)  Which themes do you think Social Drama films focus on the most? If you would like, then please order the options with numbers, 1 being the most.
Teen pregnancy    

Child abuse

Relationship abuse
Drug/alcohol addiction

Based of true events              

9.)  Which themes would you like Social Drama’s to focus more on?
Please feel free to choose from the list above, or pick your own, either way explain why:

      10.) Do you think it’s important for the audience to be able to relate to the characters in the film? Please explain your choice.

11.) During the opening sequence of a film, what is your preference of title transition?

Titles are not visible during the sequence; they appear in between on separate shots.

(No titles present on the shots)

Titles appear during the shots; over the top of the sequence.

 (Titles incorporated in sequence)

 12.) What effect does music have on the audience in a film? Please explain. 

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