Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Opening Film Sequences

Textual analysis of Cheri, (Stephen Frears, 2009)

Storyline: from this extract we are told almost a prologue to the film. We are introduced to various characters, retired courtesans in 1900's France, and what has happened to them. Specifically, the narrator concentrates on the last courtesan, Léa de Lonval, so this shows us who the film will be focused on because the sequence ends just as we're in the middle of her background.

Enigma codes:
  • why introduce us to certain courtesans, and inform us of what happened to them? Relevance?
  • by telling us Léa de Lonval has avoided many 'dangerous hazards such as love', is love going to be one of those she faces in this film?
Characters: we don't really meet any of the characters in this, except from Léa de Lonval. From this we have established her merely as someone who knows what she is doing and can seemingly handle anything. I think, as an audience member, we still feel indifferent about her, because we have not actually met her yet. 

Locations: with this specific opening sequence, it is merely set on a portfolio of photos and drawings, so the location is not specified. Although we know the main location is France.  
Lighting: the light in this is quite subtle and crowded over with colour. Its changes hue of colour throughout.
Cinematography: The main camera movements in this are minimal and it only pans to the next shot, sometimes changing the speed it changes in.
Sound: we have an instrumental piece playing throughout the sequence. All sounds, including the voice over, are completely diegetic. The instrumental is regal and suits the high stand of society the characters are in.
Titles: In this short section, the title is not actually shown. I think this is so that we can concentrate on the pictures and the narration, as it is vital to the film.

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