For our Preliminary Task we were asked to plan, storyboard and film a simple narrative consisting of:
A character entering a room
the same character crossing the room
then sitting down facing another character
a few lines of dialogue are exchanged between them.
We had to include the four continuity techniques:
shot/reverse shot
eye line match
Brief insight into narrative: 1st character enters a room and spots another already sitting there. Upon entering the room, a few shots of the character profiles are used to create a little mystery as to who they are. The 1st character then proceeds to sit opposite the 2nd and they exchange a few lines. Then the 2nd character gives the 1st a mysterious letter.
In film making, this rule is crucial. It must define where the characters are situated in a scene.
Imagine the camera can draw an imaginary line between two characters in scene.
This means that the camera (s) can only stay on one side of the line. It doesn't matter which you choose, as long as you stay on one side. This makes sure that the characters are always on the correct side of the camera and facing in the appropriate direction and always have the same right/left relationship.
This is when the camera cuts from one shot of action to another view of the same action. This gives the impression that the transition is fluid and continuous.
Shot/reverse shot:
This is when the camera is showing a shot of one character looking past the camera to another character. Then the camera switches to the other character repeating the same gesture. This links in with the 180°rule as it is vital the camera stays on one side of the line to give the impression the characters are looking at one another.
Eye line match:
This begins with one character facing the camera, but looking off screen to something the audience cannot see. Then the next shot reveals what the character was looking at.
During the course of years 10 and 11, I have had the opportunity to have first hand experience with filming and editing. One of my main achievements was my year 11 GCSE music video, which involved planning and mapping out a storyboard.
I think I am fairly confident using various filming techniques, but I am looking forward to building on these skills.